Book Review: Faking It

February 19, 2015

Book Review of Faking It (Loosing It book #2) by: Cora Carmack

I give it three out of five stars for funny moments and happy endings.

What I liked about the book:

1) The mismatched romance. It was fun how two people find each other when in the past they might have written each other off as out of their league or not their type. There is a fast build of affection. This is definitely an insta-love kind of romance, but it was palatable because Max and Cade are oblivious to it through most of the book.

2) Cade is a lovable character. He’s smart, hard working, good-natured, call’s his grandmother, and volunteers with disadvantaged youth. It was easy to root for him getting a girl after the first book where he doesn’t get the girl. I ended this book hoping his intelligence and good humor would rub off on Max.

3) The bodice ripping scenes were great fun. My favorite one was Max and Cade dancing in a club after Max officially left her boyfriend.

What I didn’t like about the book:

1) Stephen King said it best in his Memoir On Writing, “Adverbs are not your friend.” I heard every single one, and each rang like nails on a chalkboard.

2) The heroine Max. Her character was immature and self-centered. She doesn’t want to be judged based on how she looks, but she’s free to judge others by how they look. When Max met Cade she thought he was gorgeous, but because the guy dressed in mainstream attire he was not her type. I was really annoyed by how the sister in law was half way to evil just because she was blond and was a former beauty queen. I was surprised to learn it was a detestable offense to release doves at a wedding.

I did this, but it didn’t happen right after our vows, I won a pageant when I was a teenager, and I use to have long blonde hair. Am I an evil stereotype troupe and don’t know it? The antagonist sister in law was not very kind to Max, but her actions were such a stretch on reality and very cookie cutter “bad guy”. Yes there are plenty of people out there who are mean and judgmental towards those who get tattoos and piercings. However, I find it immature and judgmental to immediately discredit someone as not suitable for friendship because they look normal.

3) The overall romance conflict. I can handle a good conflict of misunderstanding, but this was ridiculous.  It was all unfounded self-doubt nonsense, and did not fit into the action-taking place.

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I really liked the third. If I were to dump one of the three books, or wish I had my audible credit back, this would be this book.